10 Large Cream Piping Bags 25x46cm - without nozzle #HLT0028

    10 Large Cream Piping Bags 25x46cm - without nozzle #HLT0028
  • Product Code:P-HLT0028

Tags: piping bag, pastry cream

With disposable piping bags, you can shape or fill your mixtures such as whipped cream, cream, chocolate, dough, sauce, etc. by filling them into the bag. For disposable piping bags, you do not need to choose your tip based on the bag size. The ends of the bags do not have standard lengths, but they can be adjusted according to the size of the lamp holder you prefer, by cutting the end part of the lamp holder with scissors so that it comes out of the bag. Disposable piping bags maintain their resistance against wear and explosion. Disposable piping bags are produced from materials suitable for food contact and do not contain substances harmful to human health.

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